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January 23, 2019


Famous 15-foot gator named 'Chubbs' returns to Florida golf course

(Thanks to Bob Brogan)


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Introducing alligators to playoffs would bring a new meaning to "sudden death"

What's the penalty in Florida for Fat Shaming a gator?

That's a lot of luggage.

A fifteen foot alligator is not my idea of a water hazard, but I've never been to Floridaaa.

A guy grew up near a Florida golf course. He also had a pet baby alligator and they became the best of friends. After High School the man moved away and was forced to leave his alligator friend behind.

Many years later he came to Florida on vacation to play golf. Halfway through the course this huge alligator crawled onto the course. The man couldn't believe his eyes, it was his childhood alligator friend. He tossed aside his golf clubs and ran to embrace his long lost aquatic buddy.

A scant moment after wrapping his arms around the alligator's neck, the last thought he would ever have was--This is a different alligator.

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