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January 31, 2019


Listen to Mr. Hot Dog.

Story here.

(Thanks to pharmaross and Not My Usual Alias)


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Eek! Clutch Cargo meets Oscar Meyer.

I'm not sure if the announcement is kosher or not. At least no catsup from the fridge was involved

Imagine if they'd done that (technology) using poo! That would really be "talkin' some sh@"!

Oh, and the Weinermobile is double-parked!

Would have been better with some Cher songs, or an octopus.

Right you are NMUA. The correct condiment is always important.

I would go to this school, just so I could see the closure announcements, and then not go to this school.

I may never be able to eat a hot dog again.

If hot dogs start talking to you, you might qualify to room with the dude who leaves pee-soaked bologna on women's porches.

MOTW remembers Clutch Cargo! Even I had forgotten Clutch Cargo.

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