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January 29, 2019


A Florida Man is behind bars after stealing what he thought were Hydrocodone pills, but which turned out to actually be over-the-counter laxatives

(Thanks to Dave Roe, Hayseed Tom, Al Barkafski and elseabs)


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"He was on the run...". Heh. I get it.

"Oh, sh!t."

The suspect is really a stool pigeon.

He took the pills because he wanted to feel relaxed and loose...well, I'm sure his colon sure does.

Peter Hans Emery ==>
Yep, methane errs
Hearten ye sperm
Repent my hearse
Try herpes enema
Repayments here

Correction: On the runs.

So he's no longer on the loose ?

This just in ... FM has BM in the A.M.

We're gonna need a lot more Charmin.

The Failure to Appear could just be a side effect

To find him just follow the yellow brick road.
Johnny Carson made this joke years ago.

a/k/a "The Sharter"

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