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December 28, 2018


A 54-year-old woman who flipped her van on Dec. 23 told a trooper from Houghton Lake that she lost control of the vehicle when her German Shepherd jumped on the dashboard to bark at the wipers

(Thanks to pharmaross)


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A Florida dog license is on the way.

The German Sheppard already has an FDL...and you KNOW how annoying wipers can be....

Paging the insurance agent...

Bad dog — no treats for the next 21 dog years...

♫ When the dog barks
And the van flips —
I'll be feeling mad ♫

I could totally see our Shih Tzu causing the same thing, mostly because she is an anarchist foreign agent

At least she had an actual dog to blame it on.

Many years ago when I worked in a mental hospital we had a patient who had rolled his pickup into a creek. We got him because he wasn't drunk or apparently on drugs and had a clean driving record. He was lucid and just scraped up from the wreck, but he kept ranting about this huge six-foot tall chipmunk that jumped on the hood and started attacking his truck. It startled him so bad he crashed.

I still wonder if the police would have found claw marks on the hood of that pickup if they had looked.

"Bad dog! You are grounded!"


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