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December 31, 2018


Did Grover Drop an F-Bomb on Sesame Street? The Internet Is Divided

(Thanks to pharmaross and funny man)


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It sure sounds like he dropped an "F" bomb to me. I would never have expected this from Grover. Maybe Oscar the Grouch or the Cookie Monster but not Grover.

Grover gets real in the Sesame 'Hood.

The first time I heard nothing inappropriate.
Reloaded and from them on, the f-bomb.

Could there be two clips and an algore-rythmn?

I heard that after a heated disagreement with the director, Prairie Dawn once stormed off the set, shouting "Sesame Street has been brought to you by the letters F and U!"

Grover gets his mouth washed out with soap in the next episode.

I think Grover has been a little testy ever since Elmo came along and stole his thunder.

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