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December 31, 2018


A Florida family's Whirlpool refrigerator exploded inside their home

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Should be an immediate recall on those potential exploding adjustable shelves Whirlpool puts out on most models since 1882.

Isn't "whorlpool" Yiddish for bunker bomn?

In our office that’s known as “Auto-Alert to clean out the fridge”.

Service by Sears

Call quickly

Leftovers usually just get green in four months, not volatile. The chili musta reached critical mass.

Some things are just unsafe to refrigerate together. This includes nitric acid and glycerine along with a particularly potent hot Mexican pepper that has been banned by the Geneva Convention.

When Alexa goes bad.

Call the Maytag repair guy.

Yes, as a matter of fact, I am getting back on the Geezer bus right now.

Sorry, but some like my own fridge, this story doesn't pass the "smell test" for me.

I suspect there is more to an exploding refrigerator than facts suggest, or the local PD might allude to.

As my lisping neighbor once said: "How big a meth did it make?"

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