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December 31, 2018


Cane toads snake a ride on python to escape storm in northern Australia

(Thanks to Alkali Bill, Roberto, Howard from Broward and pharmaross)


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They may all be on their way to a New Year's Eve party. Happy New Year y'all!

Amphibian expert Jodi Rowley, a senior lecturer in biological sciences at the University of NSW, threw further light on the story, pointing out on Twitter that the male cane toads were in fact trying to mate with the python.
Well of course they were trying to mate with the python. Men!
I second Jim's Happy New Year.

Looks like a "menage a dix" to me.

Now we all know the truth behind the phrase "horny as a toad."

And, I saw the Cane Toad Sausages open for Moby Grape. Very stimulating show!

Probably the rain made them horny.

Horny Cane Toads WBAGNFARB...

How do the toads get the tiny canes?

And could they use them on the snake like cowboys use a spur on a horse?

“... pointing out on Twitter that the male cane toads were in fact trying to mate with the python.”

Reason #5,478 I haven’t, and shan’t, be utilizing Twitter...

And there are some places Uber won't go,like the Outback?

On the tenth day of Christmas
my true love sent to me:
10 Toads a Riding....

Passes for mass transit in Australia.

The python looked back and studied the size of the toads on it's back. Satisfied they would all fit in it's stomach, the python did what pythons do.

Cane toad conga line?

Le Pet's right.

Snacks for the python road trip.

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