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December 21, 2018


John Wayne Bobbitt Says His Penis Has 'Been Through the Wringer' In New ABC Special

(Thanks to pharmaross)


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Ya know that this link is to a spam site that most PC tools block...

Dave, that link is not what it should be; here is another:


So, John says "It" has been through the wringer, but Lorena still sounds as if she'd still like to put a couple of other things of John's in the cracker.

I thought if we ignored him, he'd go away.

Actually, he was having an affair. And the full name is Debra Wringer...

Didn't his Hershey's kiss sustain a little more damage than a broken tip?

Maybe if you didn't, you know, put it through the wringer, dude...just sayin'.

A new low for ABC, and that's saying something.

We'll take his word for it.

The Ballad of Big Bad John Bobbit

Big Bad John Bobbit was a lover of great lust
But his wife was filled with distrust
One night when Big Bad John slept
Into the bedroom with a knife his wife crept
As a lover Big Bad John is now a bust

I guess he just feels like his head is always on the chopping block.

After the initial incident she would have done well with a startup business named

Lorena Bobbitt Cutlery

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