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December 28, 2018


Frenchman sets sail across Atlantic - in a barrel

(Thanks to many people)


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Proof that you can sail the world for free*

*Assuming you have a $30,000 barrel/sub,,,

Float out the barrel, we'll have a barrel of fun.
Float out the barrel, we've got the blues on the run.
Zing, boom, tararrel, ring out a song of good cheer.
Now's the time to float the barrel, for the gang's all here.

"I fart swim Float In your general direction."

Adds new meaning to the phrase "barrel roll".

Taking "Tiny House" too far. TSA is bad, but not that bad.

I'd like to see a barrel full of monkeys try this.

They would probably have more fun.

And was immediately sunk by a German submarine.

Headed for Niagara Falls?

On the positive side even the most desperate pirates wouldn't lower themselves to attack that ugly barrel.

Monsieur, you are likely to end up in a pickle.

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