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December 24, 2018


This 195-gigapixel photo is so huge, you can zoom in and see people’s faces

(Thanks to funny man)


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I can see people’s faces without zooming anywhere.

Yes, but can it capture all of William Shatner's mug?

The reproduction herein is not the 195-gigapixel version. So don't blow your mind trying to see faces. Just go to a mall and stare...

How long before someone has the temerity to moon the government surveillance people who are monitoring everything?

Just think of the quality selfies one could take with such a camera while falling into the Grand Canyon or capturing a speeding bus as it heads your way.

Darn it, Xin! Uou left the 196 gigapixel camera lenscap on again.

We shall now call our photo "Blackness".

Oh, snap. They know when you are sleeping, they know when you're awake, they know if you've been bad or good, so smile, 'cause you're always in the picture.

I found Waldo

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