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December 22, 2018


Doctor notes rise in 'selfie wrist' cases

(Thanks to pharmaross and Bob Brogan)


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Oh the humanity!

Try walking through Times Square without running into one of these 'selfie stick' morons. It can't be done.

Not covered under preexisting condition of Loser.

Natural evolution of "selfie stupid" cases.

In the old days a guy developing a sore wrist did not come by it from taking selfies.

I have the same problem for a different reason. Back this summer I promised everybody and their brother a hand knit scarf and clothes for their daughters 18" dolls. I probably should have started before Thanksgiving. I'm counting stitches in my sleep.

Not to mention the pole flattened noses, curb drop toe, manhole ankles, and fountain near-drownings

Ruptured Tendon opened for Bon(e) Jovi.

Wait... What kind of " selfie " are we talking about here ?

I must be a dinosaur — I still think "photography" means being BEHIND the camera. Harrumph.

Le Petomane: Yes, but he could crush a Volkswagen with his right hand.

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