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December 31, 2018


"The groom had an apparently psycho ex, who had been stalking them and found out about the wedding," the manager said. "She became enraged that he was getting remarried. She stormed into the venue, grabbed the wedding cake, and chucked it at the newlyweds! I mean she-hulking a beautiful three-tier cake!"

(Thanks to funny man)


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I saw Psycho Ex open for The Mothers of Invention.

Eww...it looks to have been an ugly wedding cake, anyway. I'm guessing they were better off with the donuts!

Not the cake! The only reason I got married is because of the cake.

To butcher David Byrne:
Psycho Ex
Qu'est-ce que c'est
Fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-far better
Run, run, run, run, run, run, run, away oh oh oh
Yeah yeah yeah yeah!

All my ex's send me hex's?

Someday they'll look back at this and think: Do I still need to hide?

The trouble started brewing when the second wedding was scheduled at a Chuck E. Cheese.

She-Hulk was one of Stan Lee's rejected Marvel characters.

Le Pet: Chuck E Cheese should cater.

Take their show on the road with the

Cane Toad Pythons

Three-tier cake toss will be a demo event for the next summer Olympics.

She-Hulk was *NOT* rejected, she was beautiful, intelligent, and paved the way for a lot of women who wanted to work out!

Wanderer, you're just a GREENIST!!!

To me, the words "Psycho" and " Ex" are redundant.

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