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December 22, 2018


Two women were caught allegedly stealing $1,900 worth of electronics from a Bloomfield Township Target on the same day the store was packed with police for a Shop with a Cop event.

(Thanks to Noah Spicker)


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It's the most wonderful time of the year!
Our local Target and Walmart keeps all of those things locked up and you have to pay for them before you leave the electronics department. They're going to be on the "naughty list" for a very long time.
Kudos to the police department for helping people in need.

It's the season of peace and love, not the season of reality challenged and stupid.

"On a side note, there must have been a special episode of 'Dumb Criminal Minds' being filmed live as a person tried to shoplift a bunch of electronics right in front of about 10 cops.

Smile for the cameras, perps!

Are they holding auditions? (Asking for a friend)

And they would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for those meddling cops.

I'm reminded of the inept and almost blind criminal in the Peter Seller's classic AFTER THE FOX, who tried to rob a bank and ended up robbing the police station.

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