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December 24, 2018


Woman claims to be God, commits armed robbery, attempts escape on tricycle, deputies say

(Thanks to Jane Linderman)


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"Attempts" escape is the key word.

The tricycle gives it the true Florida je ne c'est quoi.

I'll take, "Schizophrenics Off Their Medications" for $200 Alex!

Released to her family, I hope

Rocky and Bullwinkle closing:

Flying from Fort Collins, Rudolph is unmasked and apprehended


God is apparently female and she uses trinitarian transportation.

Crisostomo stole one package and escaped via tricycle, the CCSO report says.

What does it say about law enforcement that she escaped on a tricycle?

Or maybe it was because She was God, and her AMAZING beauty made the cops dumbfounded. (Nope. Look at her again!)

She is dyslectic and thought she was a dog.

"What does God need with a tricycle?"

(channeling Captain Kirk from Star Trek V)

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