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December 31, 2018


Mum forced to call fire brigade after her attempt to unblock her loo fills home with deadly gas

(Thanks to Jim Perth)


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"Never seen so many firemen in my life. Was so embarrassing. Street got cordoned off with red tape. I am hiding in my house today," she wrote.
After seeing her picture I think I know why so many firemen showed up. Give this woman a plunger!

"Unblock her loo" could have unintended meanings.

Not going there with a cheap joke about her hair color...nope, uh uh.

She should stick to familiar chemicals, like hydrogen peroxide.

In an effort to recreate the scene, I rubbed my table lamp and a chlorine gas plumed cloud resembling the cleavage of Dominique failed to appear.

I don't know about you, but I see a resemblance

She can have her way with my loo anytime.

Nice cleavage, Mum!

I sent this to a friend, and she said, "If she's a Mum of three, I'm a Victoria's Secret model!"

She isn't.

As a public service I once again counsel people not to mix nitric acid and glycerine in their loo or refrigerator.

Mum's the word.

Too much plastic surgery.

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