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December 23, 2018


Investigators say a 61-year-old Wisconsin man was arrested for tearing down a neighbor's Christmas decorations while drunk and naked.

(Thanks to Jane Linderman)


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Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son.

Santa's evil look alike (sorta) stars another war on Christmas, and yes, drugs and or alcohol is involved.

Should've stayed on his meds, and they shouldn't have let him outta the rehab....facility.

Everyone say it with me:

"Why the decorations were drunk and naked, we'll never know."

Times change, and it sounds like that beloved Christmas tradition is on the way out.

If the Christmas decorations he destroyed were drunk naked nutcrackers, the man's snapping should be understandable.

As I mentioned the other day, anything that happens in Wisconsin north of Ashwaubenon (which is just south of Green Bay) may be assumed to be alcohol-related.


And it wasn't even a significant part of his day.

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