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December 25, 2018


Merry Christmas.

And especially this year:

Have Joy


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Merry Christmas, All. Have Joy.

Mele kalikimaka!

Merry and Happy to all.

Merry Christmas to everyone. I hope Santa brought you everything you need and more than you deserved.

Merry Christmas Y'all!

Merry Christmas all, and most definitely please keep having and bringing joy.

(*raises a glass of eggnog to Dave, judi, my fellow bloggers, and all your families*)

I guess Santa didn't get my letter. No plastic gun or tricycle.

Merry Christmas to everyone.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all with better living through chemistry!

Holly and ivy hanging up
And something wet in every cup!

After 4 Christmas Eve service video camera gigs, I’m sure yule have a happy and meaningful holiday without songs recurring in your head.

I love Silent Night in the original Klingon

What everyone else said!

Ditto pogo!

Have joy? Why, yes, thanks, I will...and, will share a heapin' helpin' of it with the Blog and family, Judi, Walter, and all my fellow Blogophytes.

Roast chicken candy canes for EVERYONE!

Merry Christmas Dave and all my fellow blog friends here! Dave to you and your daughter and and family we send love and prayers for a healthy year ahead. Blessings to everyone, Maryann and John

Many blessings to all, including the grinch in the White House! (NYDailyNew refernce)

Merry Christmas and another eggnog for everyone.

To quote my Mom, "A Norman Rockwell Christmas it wasn't," though as the beleaguered designated driver for the day, I beg to differ. We did manage to get four generations in one photo, if only to prove that we could all occupy a relatively close space at the same time.

Merry Norman Rockwell to you all, and Christmas too!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Spokanistan!

Thinking of Sophie this holiday season and wishing her much health, strength, and joy.

Dave, I hope you and the entire Kaufman-Barry family have a wonderful 2019, and Sophie is restored to full health and happiness. I think of your family often because the same thing happened to our best friends and their daughter.

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