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December 31, 2018


This past year had its rough moments for us here the blog. We thank all of you who sent good thoughts, and we hope everyone has a fine 2019.

Have Joy copy


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Happy new year, Dave. Hope it's a damn sight better than the old one.

Hope you all have the best year ever!

All the best in 2019 to Dave and his family, fellow bloggers and followers!


Here is to Y'all having a Happy and Healthy New Year. 2019 just HAS to be better than 2018.

Happy Depreciation Day, where everything we each own is suddenly worth 10% less.

My goal for 2019: Get Dave to finally write a book!

Happy New Year to everyone!

Happy New Year!

Anyone can be your friend when things are going well. It takes a crisis to learn who your true friends and family really are. It's (almost) worth the crisis.

All best to Dave, Sophie, Mrs. Blog, judi, and my fellow bloggers in the coming year. You all are the best, and I look forward to continuing to read your witty insights.

Wishing the happiest of Happy New Years to all on the blog, and a wonderful 2019!

Happy New Year to everyone and do hope that Sophie is doing much better Dave. I hope that 2019 brings many blessings to everyone.

Happy New Year, Dave and judi, to you and your families. Here’s hoping that 2019 is a significant improvement over its predecessor.

And a Happy New Year to all you amazing blogfolk. Thanks to one and all for keeping the laughs coming.

I'm not staying up either, but nonetheless, happy new year to you all.

And if I might add a thought, the future ain't what it used to be.

A Toast to Dave, his family, Judi and all the blogettes.

Happy New Year! Kanpai! [Cheers]

Just cleared the plume of deadly chlorine gas long enough to say, here with Mum wishing everyone a very happy and hopefully equally chesty New Year.

Happy New Year to everyone! You're the best.

Went to bed at eight PM. Just checked the news and it looks like we didn't sell the homeworld (yet). Hoping eveyone a better new year.

Best wishes to Dave and all on the blog. We can all be thankful we didn't have to stand out in the rain with a million other people last night.

Happy New Year Dave and all the rest of you blog denizens. Cheers!

What everyone said. So glad Sophie is doing better and let's hope this is a better, healthier year for all of us.

Happy 2019 everyone.

And brace yourself - only one year until we deluged with bad vision jokes.

What wanderer and everyone said: all my best to y'all.

Happy New Year and best wishes to all of you.

This is mandatory.

New Years greetings from Spokanistan! 2018 was pretty crappy for some of us. Here's to a better 2019

You know what a stable genius is, Dave? AN ASS, OK?!!!! HEE HAW.

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