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December 27, 2018


Florida woman wields Christmas tree amid domestic dispute

Great white shark tagged off Canada spends Christmas Eve off SW Florida coast

(Thanks to pharmaross)


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Even the sharks are snowbirds.

The woman sounds like a fun date...for Freddy Kruger...

I predict that next year Florida will require a background check and a waiting period to buy a small Christmas tree for personal use.

I think I'll stick with our Fort Myers community pool for a while.

"Yule be sorry!" she screamed at the victim.

She looks like she fell face first into a holly bush. The article didn't mention it but, I have a feeling alcohol was involved.

Was the extra $10k on the bail for a grammar violation?

Sounds like they need to deal with this Florida Woman before next Halloween, when she gets her hands on some pumpkins.

Wow - I'm pretty sure that specific Florida woman has appeared here before. Or maybe she has a doppleganger. Or maybe I saw her on Jerry Springer, or maybe all three.

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree...I'll beat you death with O Christmas tree.

She looks like a the less often mentioned homely Mandrell sister.

I loved the way the gun barely got a passing mention.

What can you give to the Great White Shark who has everything?

@fractalist - Perhaps the woman who wielded a gun (and a Christmas tree) in an inappropriate manner in the presence of children?

[Okay, now I am definitely on the Naughty List. Good thing I don't believe in the jolly guy in the red suit.]

Who knew? A retired Canadian white privileged shark.

At least my family has the dignity and decorum to wait until Dec. 24th to bust caps at one another and bushwhack each other with the Christmas tree.

But, seriously, I'm with klez regarding the child abuse charge. It puts me in that special holiday "lock her up and throw away the key" mood. (AFTER you shoot at her and beat HER with a tree.)

that's great, I'm very happy about it

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