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December 25, 2018


Man arrested for allegedly throwing ham at woman in argument over Christmas dinner

(Thanks to John Lobert and Lynn Burlingame)


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His hams gonna be Bubba's Christmas treat.

This is the way we celebrate in Kentucky. Ask Rand Paul's neighbor.

Given the amount of cholesterol in ham, I guess it counts as assault with a deadly weapon.

As Ralph would say: "O'er the ham parts."

Hamming it up.. Kentucky style?

That behavior is just not kosher.

"Gravy Burns" wbagnfarb. Or maybe a bluegrass duo.

He claimed the attack was justified...the woman egged him on...

Other family members claimed to have a beef with him...

They said having him as a relative was no picnic...

His attorney claims the charges are a lot of bologna..

He's bacon the judge to drop the charges...

When asked why he threw the ham, he replied "I was just Sharon it. Heck, Osbourne to do that!"

Penalty flags at DRD and Amoeba....truly, truly awful.

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