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December 24, 2018


Candy canes flavored like rotisserie chicken and mac and cheese are Santa’s way of saying ‘no, no, no!’

(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson)


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Noooooo! Blech!! If you want something that tastes like chicken or mac and cheese then eat some chicken and mac and cheese. Leave the candy canes alone.

I couldn't find the mayonnaise and Tootsie Roll combo flavor on the site.

*Sigh*...I guess this puts the kaibosh on my turkey fudge and potatoes au gratin Rice Krispie treats...

*Makes note to never eat dessert at K's house.*

Unconfirmed but I hear in Japan they have chili and sauerkraut candy canes. No, the flavors are together.

This needs to be an ingredient on "Chopped".

Here in New Mexico we proudly decorate with traditional jalapeno and habanero candy canes. The best part is you can use the same ones for years.

Le Pet:

How touching.....it brings tears to my eyes.....

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