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December 25, 2018


Female lice grow penises, demand 70 hours of sex: study

(Thanks to Jane Linderman and pharmaross)


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Weren't these lice a backup band for the Goo Goo Dolls back in the 80's? FYI, their original band name was The Sex Maggots so it would make sense.

Is our lice evolving? Xe, xis or xoo?

70 hours? That's nothin'.

Are our scientists coming up with a commercial application?

That's a lot of overtime.

"These insatiable women 'grasp and stimulate' their men for as long as 70 hours. Male species have, in turn, developed vaginas."

If this spreads to the human species it will make dating really, really exciting.

History will repeat itself when the Lice #MeToo movement starts.

70 hours...

These lice are going to need some Cialis script refills!

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