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December 25, 2018


Japanese fashion design studio Mimi recently launched a collection of insanely realistic snake-print stockings that make your legs look like real snakes and, if social media feedback is any indication, they’ll soon be challenging animal print for supremacy in the fashion world.

(Thanks to Ralph)


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Actually, cool. Hope no yoga pants. Boa after a meal.

No. Just no.

Being naturally scaley, Yoko Oko has no use for these should any attempt be made by her to 'breakout' with a new CD. Or Youtube/twitter video, whatever.

The phrase " Don't go there. " no longer has any meaning.

No reptiles were harmed in the creation of these tights...but, that doesn't make them a good thing.

Are they made with real lizard-skin and or snake-skin?

(asking for a reptilian)

The only saving grace I can think of here is occasionally snakes shed their skins.

Perfect for python hunting in Florida.

"That's an impressive set of sidewinders you got there, ma'am."

A natural extension of the me-too movement. It warns men to stay away after looking at their gams.

"My fangs are up here."

Sorry, I don't speak Parselfoot.

Yessss, please.

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