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October 16, 2018


Candidate with panty-selling alter ego says she ‘cannot quit,’ will stay in race

(Thanks to Chris Elzi and Craig Roberts)


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Dave, I think we've got your running mate for 2020.

I live in Illinois. She would be an upgrade to the current cadre

There's something fishy about that candidate.

I'm guessing she'd have better luck selling bear suits.

Everyone knows that candidates' dirty laundry gets sold during an election, but this takes it to a whole new (disturbing) level.

Has she seen London?
Has she seen France?

As long as the panties go to a good home I see no problem here.

"Slogans? We don't need no stinking slogans"--guess who.

But in deference (or indifference) to that, here are some:

She's got one leg--no make that two legs up on the competition.

While she's running, her panties have no runs!

A panty in every garage!

PSAE toured with Butthole Surfers

I doesn't disturb me that she sells them; it disturbs me that there is a market.

Please DON'T play Mystee for me.

Smell the panties. YOU WILL VOTE FOR MEEEEE

Soon to be a new Marvel super-hero.

Slogan: "Not Related to Janet! (That Would Be Creepy")"

Reno said she has sold used panties and “dirty gym shorts” online for the past year.

It's nice she has something to fall back into. ANd she does look alot like Janet.

"Separated at Birth" twins or failed cloning?
You decide!

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