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September 30, 2018


Eight Argentinian police officers have been dismissed after claiming that more than half a ton of marijuana which disappeared from a police warehouse had been eaten by mice.

(Thanks to Brian Duval)


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I saw Mice With the Munchies open for Cheech & Chong.

What tipped them off? None of the local, hardworking mice have ever been seen high or hung with bling and spinners on their Tonkas.

BOLO for an expense report for 87 bags of Doritos.

But if we find a field full of mice going “Duuuuude,” then maybe the police officers were right

Overhead: "I don't know about you, Pixie, but I'm so high I wouldn't even care if Jinks ate me!"

"Dude! That's my paw!"

Coming soon to a theater near you! Up In Smoke Part II.

“Buenos Aires University experts have explained that mice wouldn’t mistake the drug for food, and that if a large group of mice had eaten it, a lot of corpses would have been found in the warehouse,” said a spokesperson for the judge.

BOLO for a huge number of whacked-out cats.
Unfortunately, it may be impossible to tell the difference.

the mice then went next door to the frito-lay warehouse and ate 2,000 bags of cheetos.

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