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September 19, 2018


The story merit's comment but the her's is heinou's.

(Thanks to Mark Schlesinger)


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"... the same pond where Cochran's five-year-old grandson shot a gator in 2009..."

Most likely while on night watch duty.
Don't mess with Texas, y'all...

Keep off her lawn!

This grandma will not be run over by a reindeer (or any other animal for that matter).

Crossed off of my " Places I'd Like To Live " list.

After she shot the animal it was immediately taken to a taxidermist, she said.

I'd be curious to know what it'll be turned into.

Sofa? Playground equipment?

Matching boots for all her kin, fractalist.

MOTW, don't forget the matching purses!

In Texas, sometimes horse thieves and munchers aren't sentenced to hang.

Just be glad the gators don't know how to swim....oh, wait...they do! Yikes!

There was a baited hook on her property, and on Monday, she received a call: A gator was on the hook.

Wait! does that mean she was a "hooker"?

I shall neither walk on her lawn nor swim in her swamp.

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