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August 23, 2018




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Can you trust a guy who smiles like that?

Mr. Bill, FBD (Frosty Ball Disease) is nothing to laugh at. But I agree. I wouldn't trust him either.

I would venture any guy with FBD (Frosty Ball Disease) wouldn't be smiling, but I wouldn't trust him. He would be really weird.

judi - oh thank goodness!

So .. uh .. was this the beginnings of the Creepy King?

I bet you don't get your deposit back if you have to lease a Sno-Ball.

The son of Burger King tried, and failed, in his first business attempt.

Rudolph - Right. Used sno-balls are...

Don't worry: He will suceed, perhaps, as a used car salesman!

Maybe a RENAME to "Li'l Shaver's Shaved Ice"?

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