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August 14, 2018


Parrot Stuck on Roof for Three Days Greets Rescuer with a Tirade of Curse Words

(Thanks to Commander McBragg, John Lobert, Jon Harris and Not My Usual Alias, who says "And stay off his roof.")


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Well, it does appear that the rescuer was a white guy...

Looks like a Norwegian blue to me.

Could have been worse. They could have climbed up there and found a deaf guy with turrets talking in sign language.


Please. Stop throwing things at me.

Seems like everyone's tweets are getting a little risque these days.

They could have just given the parrot a plastic tarp so he remain polyunsaturated.

"Yeah, you know what you can do with your cracker, pal..."

Swearing in three languages is impressive

A man buys a parrot, but all it will speak is curse words. It keeps getting worse until the bird's foul language drove his guests from a party he held. The man was so furious he stuffed the foul-mouthed parrot in the freezer. In a while he realized he had overreacted and took the parrot out of the freezer. The parrot shook itself and said..
"Sir, I sincerely apologize for my previous bad behavior and promise I Have reformed. May I ask, however, what did that turkey DO?"

*groans at Le Petomane*

At Le Pet. That joke is so old the first teller was stepped on by a Mammoth.

Yep, they didn't have freezers when that joke was invented.
To be fair, it was in the middle of the last ice age.

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