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August 13, 2018


Polk County Sheriff's officials say Jose Rivera spent about $6,200 buying 69 hard drives from 16 different Targets in several central Florida counties in January. Authorities say Rainer Bentulan then returned the boxes with lumps of child's clay that had a similar weight to the hard drives.

(Thanks to Ron G.)


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Our local AlmartWay would have just restocked it without noting the discrepancy just like they do with every other electronic device.

I asked about an empty clear plastic package once and received the response "It's the only one we have, so we can't reorder new stock until it sells"

Florida Man word problem.

Compute length of prison sentence.

Show your work.

Even if the store had not opened the boxes, they should have been alerted by the smell!

Target computer/TV/IT/Toys section manager:

"Hard drives are not made of play-doh?"

The perp spent so much time in the state prison system I'm surprised he did not mastermind the theft of a shipping palet of floppy diskettes. Circa 1984 floppy disks were an expensive commodity, now they are landfill.

Now he'll do hard time because of hard drives.

It was a play for doh scheme gone bad, and now he's the heavy (heaviest?) in his cell.

Ever leave the cap off a can of that stuff? If so, you can relate to the fact that he told them he was returning "Hard Dry".

Geezer passes to anyone who remembers the smell of Play-Doh.

Geezer stickers to anyone who can remember the taste of Play-Doh.

(Hope I have enough stickers!)

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