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August 15, 2018


The six extremely high energy bursts of electromagnetic energy, which were identified more than years ago, showed evidence of complex time-reversible wavelike behaviour – in which time itself appears to repeat backwards.

(Thanks to Le Petomane, who says "And disco can live forever.")


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I don't care what anyone says, I'm not going through Junior High again.

Like a lightning storm in space...

And now they have to find whales.

Then how can they be sure it was "identified more than years ago?"

No! No, Dave, No Snooki! (NTTATWWT, just tired of that)...

Somehow all those tachyon beams from the Starship Voyager have to be involved.

"Warning, Will Robinson! Warning, Will Robinson"

I'm guessing a Dr. Smith was involved in this discovery.

It's more agreeable when you imagine David Tennant or Matt Smith reading that article.

"Excuse me. I’m making perfect sense; you’re just not keeping up.”
~ Doctor Who (Matt Smith, the Eleventh Doctor)

The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Time Remold?


I really, really don't want to repeat high school algebra.

"There is no present or future; only the past, happening over and over again now."
Eugene O'Neill

I'm sure that the "Mystery Science Theater 3000" had an episode about this some time ago.

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