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June 28, 2018


Farting unicorn causes kerfuffle between Elon Musk and artist

(Thanks to Roberto, Le Petomane, Hayseed Tom, Steve Pudlo and Allen at Division)


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Art climbs ever onward to new heights of genius.

I need to start using "kerfuffle" in everyday conversations.

"Farting Unicorn" WBAGN...

I'd hate to have to explain to a judge that Elon Musk stole my farting unicorn.

The best part of the story is that the "Farting Unicorn" was actually satire playing on the fact that unless you live within close proximity of a nuclear or hydro-electric plant then your "electric" car is actually running on fossil fuels, and apparently Musk didn't get the joke.

So apparently unicorns don't actually fart — they kerfuffle...

@fractalist--In this case we might should add the unicorn kerfuffled in Elon Musk's general direction.

@L8terg8r - I think it is safe to say Musk got the joke (and joke it is).

Farting Unicorn opened for . . . Oh, wait, that was Farting Accordion. Never mind.

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