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June 26, 2018


Iguanas brawl in parking lot of Florida Starbucks

(Thanks to funny man)


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Didn't Iguana Brawl open for The Animals, Jeff?


"Iguana mess you up, bro!"

But the Starbucks was right next to a Chuck-E-Cheese right ?

Since they both have subtympanic shield scales, those are both males. Probably under the influence of too much caffeine.

This is what happens when you don't get your banana cherry latte with extra whipped cream on time.

LeDud just came up for a great addition to Chuck E. Cheese's entertainment. Friday night lizard fights. Then Saturday they could offer a special loser lizard pizza. The kids would love it!

Excellent Le Pet. How about a "Whack-a-Mole" but with iguanas instead ?

Fighting, they are both males, wait, no, they could be sexing, don't want to be judgemental.

What? The Waffle House was closed?

Let 'em fight it out. They'll go on through the night, but when daylight come, iguana go home.

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