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May 26, 2018


British kids are now FATTER than US counterparts at age 11

(Thanks to Jim Kenaston)


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It's rare that a story qualifies for eye-bleach and is NSFW at the same time.

Stand tall Americans, I guess. Their 11 year olds are slightly fatter than ours due to our influence, yeah!

"I'll have the fish & chips & chips & chips & ............

I went to a family reunion in Georgia last week. One of my cousin's children decided she was going to eat two cupcakes, a brownie, and a Hawaiian roll for her lunch. Of course I told on her and my cousin said not to worry about it because she's a picky eater. I couldn't let it go. In fact I did a rather impressive dance using a chicken leg and a green bean hoping it would catch her interest. It didn't but the rest of my family was impressed.

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