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May 24, 2018


Is cow cuddling set to be the next big wellness trend?

(Thanks to Jim Kenaston)


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I’m moooved by the idea

Hey, someone had to say it

Can this be combined with

Cattle Aroma Therapy?

I thought it was pretty funny until I got to the part where it costs 300$ an hour. Do you get to eat it after?

I believe The Cow Cuddlers is the Gwyneth Paltrow/Jared Leto band.

When it comes to predicting cow fad trends, I'm an udder failure.

Anyone wants to buy my "yoga goat"? That goat got to big for my apartment. I can keep the cuddling cow on my balcony, I think.

Qaz -- check with your local Urban Cow Outfitters store for the best balcony solutions.

Someone in our circle posted to FB "Anyone want chickens to raise? We have extras" -- and I resisted the urge to suggest to my wife that bringing chickens to our mix of cats, dogs and fish might help alleviate the upcoming Empty Nest Syndrome with our youngest going to college.

@NMUA - I hear chicken cuddling will be the next next big wellness trend. Get started now!

I suppose its safer that "Grizzly Cuddling".

If you can get your arms around a cow, maybe you should consider orangutan cuddling.

"It also promotes ‘comfort, mindfulness, builds assertiveness, helps with overcoming fear, builds confidence, lets you be playful and teaches you to set boundaries."

How exactly is this setting boundaries?

Just make sure it's a consenting cow and whatever you do, do not try to hug a bull.

All that therapy will go down the drain when they won't let you bring your emotional support cow onto the airplane.

I'd love to know what Gary "The Far Side" Larson thinks of this.

Some cattle need their space.

One good thing about cow therapy is you can tell a cow anything no matter how bad. They've herd it all.

“Sir, please stop that!”

“It’s ok! It’s called Cow Cuddling!”

“Sir, please step out of the display case and put the ground beef down!”

The Cow Cuddlers also opened for the Cowsills.

I thought it was going to be related to chewing their cuds.

I don't recommend boa cuddling...

My wife hates it when I call it that.

An udderly ridiculous idea.

Don't have a cow, man!

@ Ralph,
And this guy was just a calf.

England outlawed this practice.

Too much London dairy air.

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