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May 29, 2018


Please Don't Roast Marshmallows Over the Erupting Hawaii Volcano, USGS Warns

(Thanks to KJP and Jim Perth)


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How about hot dogs?

PookieBear, brats would be better.
I was lucky enough to fly over this volcano when it erupted in the 70's. It never occurred to me that roasting marshmallows over it would be a good idea.

Can we send the lava to Washington?
Politicians already make an ash of themselves

They wouldn't even ask in Florida.

I was in Alaska when the Augustine volcano blew. You could have roasted an entire herd of moose over that puppy.

We have found the perfect location where they can unload all those "unexpected (but welcome)" carrot dogs.

However, it should be safe to roast prosperity gospel televangelists.

Cooking with lava needs to be supervised by a lawyer.
Recommended procedure:
Lava Dogs:
you will need:
3 Dz Hot dogs (All beef bigger the bun type are best.)
Two rolls of duct tape
one 2X4 7' long
1 case of favorite beer

Attach lawyer to 2X4 using duct tape
Cover lawyer with hot dogs using duct tape
Toss 2X4 assembly into lava being careful not splash.

Order PIZZA and drink BEER.

I have never wanted to roast a marshmallow this much in my life.

We weren't given this option when Mt. St. Helens went up


tells a story of an encounter with such tourists

As long as Jiffy Pop Popcorn is okay? (PS wear flame retardant gloves, just in case.)

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