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May 28, 2018


Inexplicably, Adams did not let go of the rattlesnake, even as his hand began to swell.

(Thanks to John W)


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Darwin just called. They want their award back.

And now we have an innocent rattlesnake suffering from PTSD.

Poor bloke. We should fix him up with a nice drink holder for his nerve damaged hand.


I had a patient walk into the ER one day with a Walmart bag. Inside was a live rattlesnake that had bitten him. After the police got me and the doctor off the ceiling we gave him the anti-venom and sent him to Carolina's Medical Center in Charlotte, NC. Our ER was on the NC/SC border so there's a good chance he was related to this guy.
Here's a tip. If your won friends are telling newspaper reporters that you're stupid, it might be time to up your game.

won own friends. It's been a long day.


One of the reasons why rattlesnake juggling never caught on as a parlor game.

Most men are proud of their snake. What...????

nursecindy, I didn’t know that Walmart sold rattlesnakes.

NurseCindy: Did he have to pay ten cents extra for the bag?

The environmentally correct thing to do these days is to decline to put your just-purchased rattlesnake in a plastic bag. "No thank you, I'll just let him hang onto my hand until anaphylaxis renders me less than stupid" (with smug, holier-than-thou, low-carbon smirk).

"If you're too drunk to distinguish a rattlesnake from an alligator, you have no business messing with reptiles of any kind.

Michael Adams, 28, learned that lesson..."

I'm gonna have to wait until after his next nature trip to verify that conclusion.

From a different news clip:

Brother 1: "He's a glorious idiot."
Brother 2: "Oh, yeah, alcohol had a lot to do with it."

We're shocked, shocked...

"Darwin cheated as kayaking booze cruise goes horribly wrong"

anyone have Jeff Foxworthy's email address????

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