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May 24, 2018


A snake catcher has started letting wild cobras bite him once a week, he says, to maintain his strength.

(Thanks to Emily, Leslie and w)


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"He has since had hundreds of bites and has been hospitalised and almost died five times."

Does his HMO require an authorization before each "treatment?"

"That which does not destroy me, makes me stronger."
Friedrich Nietzsche

Wouldn't want to use domesticated cobras. They might take some of your strength away.

Does this maintained strength come at the expense of his intelligence?

No fangs.

If he tried cow cuddling, he would change occupations.

Fangs for the memories.

The Mithridates of the Philippines.

That is, if the snakes are normal. Some snakes have their venom dry up; they sufffer from reptile dysfunction! Hahaha. Thank you, thank you. And I’ll be here all week.

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