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February 23, 2018


Animal smuggler caught trying to bring 12 donkeys and a horse into North Wales

Donkey-smuggler-convicted (1)

(Thanks to Peter Metrinko)


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Uh... what? The donkey's eyes are blocked out to protect their identities? Are they underage or something?

Donkeys get witness protection?

You can't foal the authorities.

That is an ass load of asses.

"You eyeballin' me, boy?"

Free John Peter Luke Wilcox. Smuggling asses is not a crime. Or else the whole Kardahian clan would be headed fr the hoosegow.

You say that like it would be a bad thing.

Smuggling livestock into Wales? Will he also be smuggling coals into Newcastle?

I misread the guy's name as "Wiltcock". Followed of course by "Holyhead Batman!"

A smuggler is called a "mule," so the mule smuggled in a bunch of asses?

I need a second cup of coffee in order to get mind around THAT one...

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