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December 24, 2017


DECEMBER 25 IS COMMEMORATED AS a day of peace for many cultures across the globe, but in the Peruvian province of Chumbivilcas, the day doubles as Takanakuy, a festive fistfight between neighbors.

(Thanks to Peter Metrinko)


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In Flathead County they simply call it Friday night.

"Festive fistfights" often break out in Oxymoronia.

Tonight I'm hosting our annual Christmas Eve family dinner. Festive fistfights may ensue since my brother has decided to change up the menu a little bit. He's decided to bring mac and cheese and sausage balls. This wouldn't be a problem except someone else is already bringing these two dishes. Our festive fistfight may start in the driveway around 4 p.m. if anyone wants to come over and watch me beat the stuffing out of him. Which reminds me, he was supposed to bring the stuffing.

High in the Andes Mountains, friends, rivals, and relatives square off to settle year-long disputes in an annual airing of grievances.

Festivus is Peruvian?

We call festive fistfight day " Superbowl Sunday ".

Wonder how Christmas went at NurseCindy's house ? Enquiring minds want to know .

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