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December 29, 2017


Drunken Family Dispute Ends With Ear Being Bitten Off

(Thanks to Jon Harris and Al Barkafski)


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Christmas with the Osbournes?

Christmas at the van Gogh household?

You have to keep an ear out for these type of events.

He was being terribly earitating and the damage was earreversable.

The court orders that establish family gathering rules — including the use of metal detectors and pat down searching— might find new life in SF.

The SWAT team started bringing covered dishes to pass. The lieutenant in charge was called the son my Mom never had, a line that upset my brother and me and confused the female officer.

No flesh eating in recent generations. Don’t mention the Mayflower years

Christmas with Mike Tyson?

Reminds me of this Muppet show sketch.

To Ear or Not To Ear, that is the question.

_Preamble to a nonexistant Rachel Ray cookbook

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