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December 26, 2017


The eternal Canadian quest for the perfect snow shovel

(Thanks to The Perts)


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The perfect snow shovel is the one my teenager will use before the precipitation turns into sheet ice.

Unicorns are far more common

The inquiring minds of desert dwellers want to know: Exactly what is a "snow shovel?"

The Inuits have 52 words for snow? I'm guessing they don't have word for shovel...unless of course its the often mistranslated Tim Hortons?

Much of my driveway is gravel. Fun shoveling.

I keep one in my car for the train station parking lot

Funny man —
Washington, DC has 52 words for snow panic

I just counted -- we have five, and my husband just left muttering about visiting Canadian tire.

I live in the South. What's a snow shovel?

If it doesn't have a gas motor and say Toro on it, it's not going to be my favorite.

The gas motor still won’t motivate a teen to run the device. Except for a car after they turn 16.

My hope is that the temperature gets high enough for salt to work.

It was 74 here today. And that's the temp, not the measured amount of snow.

No offense to those suffering from a White Christmas, but YOU ARE LIVING IN THE WRONG STATE!

I'm not Canadian, and I've lived most of my life in California, and even I know that there are different snow shovels for different jobs. When I lived in Big Bear (resort town at almost 7,000' elevation, so we got snow every winter), I couldn't afford a gas-powered snow blower, so I had at least 3 shovels: a short, wide, plastic one for pushing light snow, a large aluminum one for most things, 'cause snow doesn't stick as much to aluminum, and a big steel coal shovel with the edge sharpened to chop packed snow that had turned to ice.

I left Michigan as a feckless youth of 18 with my snow shovel over my shoulder and continued south west until someone said, "What the Heck is That?"
My condolences to those still in quest of the perfect snow shovel.

We saw what was identified as a snow shovel on the news. Interesting but do not want to get involved.

I sent this link to my friend in Ontario, and let's just say his wife is gonna enjoy a little late visit from Santa Claus.

note to nursecindy: A "snow shovel" is a device used to knock polar bears off your bird feeder.

Now, would you please tell me what a "hurricane shelter" is?

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