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November 15, 2017


Deputies said the man couldn't remember where he parked his car and figured they would get there faster if he said he was carjacked.

(Thanks to Craig Roberts)


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When my cousin Earl can't remember where he parked his car when he leaves the bar he hits the "panic" button on his remote and several people always show up to point out his car.

I recently sold my vintage 1998 Mercury. I made the dealership that took it promise to never crush it, smoke or drink in it, and to only sell it to wholesome people who would love it as much as I did. The point of me telling that, there is a point, is last week I went shopping and when I went outside I couldn't find my car! I panicked until I remembered I was now driving a blue SUV. Whew! At least I didn't call the cops although it did cross my mind more than once.

@Le Pet....right... your "cousin"

Well maybe he WAS carjacked and can't remember due to his drunkenicity.

{{ nursecindy }}

Thank you MOTW. That car was special to me because my mother gave it to me about 15 years ago. She's been gone now for 6 years.

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