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November 11, 2017


Thank you, vets. And thanks to your families.


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Here's a picture of me and some fellow soldiers in Korea defending America from the Godless Evil Commies.

You're welcome.

Thank you to all veterans and their families.

(wiredog, my father was with the radio corps in Korea; he was 23 at the time.)

You guys are the badassest of badasses.

Salutes and thanks to all vets, and their loved ones.

My dad is a Viet Nam veteran so all veterans are very close to my heart. He was a Chief Master Sergeant in the USAF and served for 22 years. He told me once that when he joined up they asked him what he wanted to do and he said he wanted to work on planes. The next thing he knew he was mopping out a bunch of planes. He said he learned to keep his mouth shut after that. I'll never forget going to the airport with my mom to pick him up after his tour of duty in Viet Nam. It is such a happy memory. Then they transferred us to Eglin AFB in..... Floridaaaaaaa!
Thank you to all veterans and their families.

My dad grew up on a farm in southern Idaho and somehow ended up on conventional submarines. I don't know how he made that adjustment. I'm glad he can enjoy a special day in honor of those who served.

Long story short - Thanks vets. We owe you so much.

We are here because they were there. My thanks go to every one of them!

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