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November 17, 2017


Longhorn who allegedly said 'I’m a UT student! You can’t arrest me!' is arrested

(Thanks to Stan Ruth)


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She sought the raw, and the law showed up.

Idiot. Everyone knows the proper procedure is to close your eyes and say "You can't see me!"

If the Longhorns football team was having a better year, she would have been off scot-free.

See, if he had been an Aggie, this might have worked.


Next time, try "I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK."

Works for me.

School officials later released a statement saying in part, "she was known around campus as being very close to a handful."

manual tomato-a handful of what? And how close was she to becoming that handful of something. Inquiring minds want to know.

Just an FYI: If you're ever in North Carolina and get stopped by the police, yelling "I'm a Clemson Tiger fan" will get you 5-10 in the state prison.

One officer at the scene reported trying to get a feel of the situation at hand was a reach.

Wow. That's one cupcake short of a paper. She isn't just divorced from reality, she never met it, much less dated.

You can always tell a UT student. You just can't tell them much.

To borrow a quote from Kelly (Married With Children) Bundy, first dinner, then sex!

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