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November 28, 2017


Massachusetts police stop car with massive Christmas tree on top

(Thanks to Peter Metrinko and Andrew Mendez)


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Good thing he didn't have to go fir

That tree isn’t going in the back yard, Rusty. It’s going in the living room!

Is there a problem, officer?

Foolishly, I once did something similar to get a very tall tree to and into my then loft apartment. The transport on top of the car, while not perfectly smooth, went OK, but the tree stand just crumpled under the weight the instant we put it up. Decorating was interesting, too ....

Where you headed with that, sir?

Rockefeller Center.

I didn't know Fred Mertz is selling Christmas trees now.

*looks for geezer bus*

Authorities pulled the driver over because they were concerned he couldn't cedar road in front of him....

Fortunately, he had hit ever green light on his way home....

When the driver pulled into his driveway, his vision was so impaired he ran over Grandma with the Christmas tree.

@Death Row Doc - Tsk, tsk...Making fun of others' misfortunes is chestnut funny...

Psst, wanderer: the geezer bus is hidden under that giant pine tree.

Psst, wanderer: I'm driving. You can sit next to MOTW.

"Sudbury PD would like to remind you to transport your Holiday trees responsibly," the Friday post said. "One of our Officer's stopped this vehicle on Route 20 today!"

fractalist GP (grammar police) would like to remind Sudbury PD to use apostrophes responsibly.

Pining for the Fords?

To quote from _A Christmas Story_, "Now that's a tree!"

Yule have to stop making so many bad puns.

Can he top that one? He'll needle little help.

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