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November 11, 2017


How much poop can one Canada goose poop in one day?

(Thanks to Ralph)


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A io a day... what Michigan needs is a catchy jingle, a slick video and a celebrity spokesmodel and there can be an adopt-a-goose program to ship a deserving creature to another state.

A kilo a day. Doggone autocorrect

Very few other states want them. nc, wanna goose?

Formidable Fecal Fallout opened for Butthole Surfers, of course.

The solution: McGoose. With a secret sauce and pickles.

Loudmouth, I'll take the goose if you'll take the squirrels that are chewing on the eaves of my house. Squirrels are trying to eat my house!

Considering the daily output of goose poop from a single goose (2.2 pounds) and the exponential expansion of geese pooping, we're going to be swimming in goose poop up to our necks in a few years.
Could squirrels be bribed or threatened to uh---remove-- geese?
They claim sometimes you have to make a deal with the Devil.

A sidewalk full.

A dirty word, a dirty bird, a dirty turd.

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