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November 16, 2017


A PLANE passenger was booted off a flight because her rowdy emotional support PIG caused mayhem on board.

(Thanks to Patty Villanova and John Criswell)


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Emotional Support Animal opened for The Righteous Brothers.

This is just crazy! Emotional Support Pig??? Pig??? My emotional support alpaca never causes any problem when I fly.

A rasher of bacon would have calmed her down.

Human puts porker on plane. Hilarity does not ensue. Solution: Blame the pig!

Shocking Sun Exclusive: Conclusion Revealed To "When Pigs Fly" Mystery!

I have an emotional support cobra. Please advise.

If one were to have an emotional support hooker, does she get to fly for free? Asking for a friend.

Meanie the Blue peeked at my answer sheet

Beep beep Cheesewiz!

When Spam gets their emergency response vehicles operational, these situations will be handled much quicker.

Cheeszwiz-- I believe cobra is also an approved ingredient for Spam.

Reminds me of that Alan Parsons song "I am the sty in the sky".

Thank goodness it wasn’t a support rhinoceros.

The day has come, apparently, when pigs do fly. But to be banned from a flight?

I've heard stories that a certain big talk show host does the same thing, and had yet to be banned.

It's not the first time problems with emotional support animals have escalated out of control...

It's never a good idea to tether a pig.

O'er the ham parts....

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