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November 15, 2017


It's not good.

(Thanks to tmpsinc)


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One time I tried to go on-line to Dick's Sporting Goods, at Dicks.Com (only logical, yes?)
Let's just say it wasn't sporting goods they were sporting there.

JG - My father-in-law Googled "Dicks" one time on his smart phone, looking for archery supplies.
After he got the results, he was too embarrassed and just threw away the phone.

We have one of these stores in Gastonia, NC. The city planners must have had a sense of humor because it's across the street from an Adam and Eve store. Whenever I drive by it with my son he tells me it's one of the biggest Dick's he's ever seen.

Isn't there a pill for that?

But will Dick's still be liked on Facebook?

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