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November 16, 2017


Man calls 911 during police chase, asks for Donald Trump

You know the state.

(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson)


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That was fun. Best.State.Ever. soon to be released amended insert material.

He had a yuuuuuuuge emergency.

Wow. Someone needs to switch to decaf, stat.

Hey, they're friends. Wasn't that the "phone a friend" segment?

I have a feeling President Trump, if he'd been there, would have looked at the guy and all his drug paraphernalia, pointed at him and then said, "You're fried!". That is not a typo either.

"We'll have bigger police chases than you ever imagined. They'll be great!"

What the Press Secretary said, and later, the Donald tweeted.

*snork* at nursecindy. And I haven't even had my coffee yet. ;-)

Because it is never too early to appeal for executive clemency...

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