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November 13, 2017


...the chance of sex triggering a cardiac arrest in older men and women is exceedingly rare, according to the first study to examine the link between sudden death and sex.

(Thanks to The Perts)


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Wrong! "Senior Housing" is the new meat market.

Now study Bingo.

Uh, note to visitors of Geezer Acres Community Centers. Those colorful little capsules and tablets in that crystal bowl in the center of the card tables are NOT candy.

Tell that to Nelson Rockefeller.

"Nelson thought he was coming, but he was going.” That was one quip following the news that Nelson Rockefeller—New York’s four-term governor, former vice-president of the United States, and the most prominent scion of America’s most famous wealthy family—had succumbed to a heart attack at the age of 70, while in his midtown townhouse with his 25-year-old assistant, Megan Marshack

His paramour erred in such manner as to make the claim of the circumstances of Mr. Rockefeller's death patently suspicious to the NYC Medical Examiner. Specifically, post mortum she placed his right shoe on the guv's left foot and left shoe on right foot. The crew from the M.E.'s office noticed the mistake upon entering the bedroom. Whether the Gov. died while in the throws of passion was never establish. That he suffered a fatal heart attack while (at least) unclothed in Ms. Marshak's bed has never been debated."

If I asked my doctor if sex triggered cardiac arrests he'd probably want to know if I was asking for a friend.

Okay, a brief survey:
1) Who Googled Megan Marshack's image after reading Marc's post?
2) If you answered "I did" to question one, how disappointed were you?

This concludes the brief survey.

I know this is anecdotal, not scientific. Years ago as a first responder, we went to 3 different heart attacks on 3 Sundays in a row. 3 guys in the act, 3 dead. Be careful out there!

Never on a Sunday. Has a more sinister connotation now than before I read SCemjazz's comment.

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